

<II> リトアニア詩の幕開け  



<V> 自作詩の翻訳


Winter Solstice  
by Hideo Yokokawa    

Standing on the veranda of my 12th floor residence
at the corner of Musashino Plain, 
I watch a line of dark cloud over the rising sun,
the gray reflection of buildings standing close together all over,
the scattered green,
the cars flowing silently on the overpass of the highway
right beneath my eyes; in the sky
from south to west, no clouds,
beyond the ridgeline of Tanzawa Hills at south west
Mr. Fuji in whiteness rising.  
Stiff cold air covering the veranda.

This early morning,
from dark suppression to bright liberation
the time moves sharply.
The sun keeps rising.

Pouring hot coffee into a cup,
I celebrate a beautiful morning
after long silence.



<VI>  私の「両眼微笑」   

     Death Mask

     There is no reason to be killed
            Because of killing

     There is no reason to kill
            Because of being killed

     That is
     To say emptiness
     To say naught
     To say heaven



    A Gamble   by Hideo Yokokawa

       Initially I have had nothing
       Nothing to hide, nothing to lose
       Nothing to cheat or nothing to be cheated of
       I have nothing that I am going to obtain
       Long ago
       I had no love, hatred or even attachment

       Still less
       In the place far away from winning or being defeated
       With a smile
       I have staked the whole world

       Once again
       With eyes being more dead than alive
       In the midst of the devine, the human and the bestrial
       The outcome in the hands of gods
       Here gently a die has been rolled


<X> 何を如何に(3)

横川 秀夫 詩       
for the members of Monday Night Poetry


 空港ビルの廊下の壁のライト ブルー

 ウルトラ コバルト ブルーの空の下
 マッド ハウスの壁の輝き



 はい、どうぞ ―  1台の黄色いサイクリング自転車。
 握手。 喜び。

 「久しぶり、どうしてた?」  「俺、日本から来た。」 
 「そいつは凄い。」  「あんた詩人でしょ、そうじゃないの?」
 「ははははは。」   「良かったよーっ。」
 「本当に?」  「うん。」  ・・・・・・

 静寂。 瞑想。 コーラス。 手と手。

 オーソドックス。 アヴァン・ギャルド。

Central Avenue


 ルーマニアから来た老女。 ルーム ナンバー 110。 
 コイン ローンダリー。 ディスコ。
 空手道場。 婚礼写真。
 家具。 マウンテン ビーズ。 バーとグリル。
 レストラン。 女性用衣服。 ボディー  ジェウェリー。 
 刺青。 ・・・・・

 スキン ヘッドと体中に入れ墨をした青年。青白い顔。

 マニー レストランでのくつろぎ。

 ニュー メキシコ大学の


 偉大なる リオ グランデの岸辺。


the city of flatness.


In Albuquerque  
by Hideo Yokokawa      
for the members of Monday Night Poetry


Light blue of the corridor wall of the airport building.
huge volumes of bright sunbeams flood all of a sudden.
Under the sky of ultra cobalt blue,
brightness of the walls of mud houses
like Van Gogh's yellow.

In the shining dry atmosphere,
I deeply breathe in and breathe out.


Here you are - an yellow cycling bicycle. 
Handshakes. Joyousness. 
How have you been?   I'm from Japan.  Oh, how wonderful! 
You are a poet, aren't you?  Well, well, well.  Hahahahaha. 
T'was so beautiful.  Oh, really?  Oh! yes............

With my backbone straight, calming down my mind, I breathe. 
Silence. Meditation. Chorus. Hands to hands.

Orthodoxy. Avant-garde.....
Time gone by.
Added young generation.
Poetry reading.

(Central Avenue)

The massive mountain range of Sandia - the powerful cube,
with spotted bare rock of ocher,
with the soft long slope faraway.

An old woman from Romania. Room #110. Coin laundry. Discos. 
Karate Gym. Bridal photo. Furniture. Mountain beads. Bar and grill.
Restaurant. Ladies' dress. Body jewelry. Tattoo.....

High noon.
A guy wearing tattoo on his skin head and all over his body. Pale face.
Ill !
Chill runs through my back.
Only the women walking the street look so healthy and beautiful.

Relaxation at Manie's Restaurant.

Solemnity of the bright gate of
the University of New Mexico.


Riverside of the great Rio Grande.
Full of green woods.

A stroll of an early morning
I once enjoyed with Cathleen and Phyllis.

the city of flatness.




<XI>  推敲と詩の原点   



Glow of the Mist   
by Hideo Yokokawa      

What is that?
Something like mist is shining over there.

What is that existence, a massive brightness
leading to the faraway distance, and at the same time,
dimly shining in our minds too?

We grab each other by the hands,
as we want to be led to 
somewhere of the world near open sea
brighter, more limpid and deeper 
than the water of Lake Mashu

Peace and quiet.

Concealed strong life.
Beautifully burning flame.

We don't have any other way
but to step forward to this brightness
connected to somewhere faraway.


Mist of light. Light of mist.
What on earth is this?