
Work  123

Total Direction
by Hideo Yokokawa


Mamaluna (1)

20 thousand years ago, in the coldest Wisconsin glacial period of the diluvial epoch, a number of tribes living in Eurasia shifted@in waves to the north east , counting upon@the positions of the stars, and moved to the American  Continent,  crossing the Bering Landbridge.@

 In the new lands, they further continued moving down to the south and scattered all over the new continents in small groups, after thousands of years.

 One of the Mayas settled down at Copan in Mesoamerica,  where they had the letters and calendars based on astronomy and mathematics of a very high level.  

In the deep night of the 7th day of Flowers, when the ecliptic@and moonfs path happened to take the exactly same orbit under the canopy, was born Mamaluna, who was the 9th daughter of the family. Her mother was Magnolia. Her father was DeNoche, an astrological priest.
 Under the then astrology, Mamaluna was destined to be a god from the time of her birth. Magnolia wanted to bring up this baby as a normal person. DeNoche strictly  prohibited his family from revealing to anyone the date and time of this birth.
 DeNoche thought, just as the traditional way of thinking of the Mayas, that the god is the canopy itself, nothing ‚…‚Œ‚“‚…. The movements of the sun, moon and stars under the canopy were the messages from the god.
 DeNoche thought, just as the traditional way of thinking of the Mayas, that the god is the canopy itself, nothing ‚…‚Œ‚“‚…. The movements of the sun, moon and stars under the canopy were the messages from the god.




















