
Work  153

Total Direction
by Hideo Yokokawa



in memory of Ishikawa Nobuo

The book of tanka gTaihakkohh (which means
the thick white light) by Ishikawa Nobuo was
published in 1954, and the number of this self-
publication was just fifty (50).
This book has been sleeping without any
attention for a quarter century, but in 1973, the
reprinted edition was published by his sister.

Around that tine, I began to write poems in my
own way, and I have been indulged in this book as
well as Ozaki Hosaifs.

I am now losing my eyesight and I estimate the
loss will be in a couple of years or so. Under such
situation of my privacy, I have decided my mind
to send their works towards the future of the

Again, I roll the dice right here in Poetry Plaza,
far apart from any reputation.










