The Creation Frame
            Ghiberti's Bronze Door

for Margaret Solomon

Adam, sleeping in the door, seems water.
He dreams Woman
And she becomes the issue of his dream, risen
From the sleeping vessel his body is..
His dream is nameless:
He has not said "Eve."

Her name still sleeps in the earth beneath his ear
And in the stream. It lives in air.
In the slung lines of her hair and his
It is cast
In the same passive swinging motion
As the water.
Eve is everywhere.

Her name will be his gift.
And evil.
Sin curves the smile of Genesis in Adam's slelep,
Waits on his lips.
He will say "Eve," and the name will be
A graved place
To know her being in,
A truer mirror than he
Though he seem water,
And though she love her image there
In him, in dreaming water,
Separate from God
Who spins above in a circle with a rod,
And separate from Adam.

In the tree they cannot touch
He hears her name
In the speaking
Needing to be gathered.


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