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Spring Rushes

The car speeds
On the highways and bypasses
In the plain of Musashino

Through the white and pink battery of

Through the row of
Maidenhair trees of yellowish green

Through the street
Lined with cherry trees deepening the blue color

A warped red pine sparks in
Black green

Oh, over there, like that place
Is calmly burning an akamegashiwa !

And yet
Saxifrages, kerria, tulips and so forth are

Far and near, are there
The purple magnolias

The scenery flows quickly
All the forests and woods are
Flooded by the mixed bathing of colorful trees in
Green, light yellow, yellow green, deep green, black and dark red

Bamboo luxuriantly swells
In the wind

Cypress of deep blue
With wings and leaves warped to all directions
Burns fiercely Goch's burning

The spring storm with roar
Shouts the ferocious yell of joy

Oh, really
Complexly entangled is
The spring !