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Travel of Contemplation

For a long time, I have been thinking of the concept about Individuality and I am still trying to think of it further without any exit so far. However, originally it started as an antithese against the mass or group regarding the dignity of each individual person in or against the total.

However, in relation to the above, it seems to me that I am recently approaching the thought that freedom itself and ethics in relation to freedom must be combined with such individuality, and those three factors, i.e. Individual, Freedom and Ethics, must be integrated and supplemented with each other.

Placing myself in a corner of the Islands; so to say, in an intermixture or chaos of thoughts consisting of its own tradition and the ones from eastern and western worlds; I am not particularly thinking about Individuality as deemed as an object to be analyzed precisely, however, regarding individuality I have been thinking of, I feel I have found some standard in the Benevolence by Confucius in the eastern world represented by his very clear and simple words saying "Do not press the other persons with what you do not want to be pressed" However, I am still on the way of my travels and assume this is not to be final.

Without simply clinging to Benevolence by Confucius, my travel of contemplation will never terminate, but I feel that I am finding some new direction. However, it is absolutely different from the political or social thoughts, but it is of my own literature.

My travel of contemplation is still endless.