The Ohio valley is astir with May.
-- Merrill Gilfillan, Burnt House to Pawpaw

month of Maia
goddess who greens the earth

in New Mexico
sproutkale month

blackthorn winter comes
and wind harasses
new leaves of redbud

elm coins rain down
germinate in mud-filled groves
under the pine and the flowering cherry

pink locust tree in flower
come, white sweet


in West Virginia
inscape of bloodroot and shonny haw

Upjohn and Lilly’s chosen herbs
             mayapple root
             hulls of black walnut
             queen of the meadow

Beltane Eve
on the Tug Fork of the Big Sandy
spring peepers silver the air

the Tug Fork now an endangered river


black warbler dead beside the water
sassafras lifting its mitten leaves

who can plead ignorance
of stars and lilacs?