

Poems of Samuel E. Stone

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Cherished Moments

Snow flakes fluttering to the ground,
as they appear suspended in the air,
falling gently without making a sound,
naturefs white blanket covering so fair.

Appearing so fresh and pure as it falls,
elegance and beauty in such fashion,
ornamental upon the evergreens so tall,
heavenly sight, stimulates onefs passion.

Reflective flow of prismatic colors seen,
as the sun shines on the snow and ice,
mother naturefs wonderland so serene,
bodies chill, while our souls it does entice.

Winter land of passive spirit to behold,
but the price of splendor has itfs cost,
for the elements of nature can be so cold,
some survivor while other are but lost.

Cycle of life is like the melting snow,
changing form with the passage of time,
it is what is and that is all that is known,
cherish each moment, as it is defined.
