
Radiant beauty of a flower,
danger lurking in the shade,
all seems well, then it devours,
mind shattered, left in a daze.

Goodness in the morning light,
surviving the nightly cold chill,
serenity, with a peaceful sight,
almost forgetting those who kill.

Wild flowers covering a field,
harmony tries to take the lead,
happiness found behind a shield,
away from sorrow’s hungry plead.

Never enough there to provide,
for greed turns hearts to stone,
good verses evil, you decide,
the burden of where never alone.

Placing importance on what’s mine,
leads to endless suffering and pain,
in desperation we commit the crime,
tears never wash away the pain.




COPYRIGHT by Samuel E. Stone
Copyright of the works recorded in this website entirely belongs to each author.
No part of the works may be used or reproduced in any manner without written
permission of the author(s), except in the case of brief quotations embodied in
critical articles and review.