Project "at Dawn 3.22"
Tuime limit,
Count down.
eanne blazed up,
for the work of our mutual lifetime.
The time she sent me by e-mail
her emendations in her own way was always
at midnight or sometimes aroung daybreak.
Upon receipt of hers,
I refered to and amend the typesetting pages
which had been already programmed
in my computer system.
Finally, for the post-face,
she unfolded her ability of languages
by showing the neat and beautiful wordings.
I really thought that we had done.
The situation was e-mailed to Bill in New York,
confirming my visiting him with the book
for demonstration as scheduled.
Everything was in order on this day of March 22.
for making my debut into the poetry society of the
supported by wonderful friendship and encouragement.
(for Jeanne Clayton and Billy
T. Lee)

In an Evening of Spring Days
A man with smashed nose
like Rodin's bronze
with a bandage wrapped around his ear
like van Gogh's self-portrait
reading an Engish booklet
in a run-down ramen house.
I am eating a meal alone
for the first time today.
Finishing my dinner,
I go outside
at the height of
white apricot flowers.

A Red Spider
Under the glaring sun,
a bright blood red
exults in the life and death,
secretly hiding poison
in its bulb.

Desert Zone
A red-hot land
of no sentiment.
An ultimate existence
flooded by the possible.
The unknown of the unfathomed
freezing, boiling the blood.

Age and Friendship
Placing a a vial on the table. Robert says.
"This contains vitamins made in USA,
piece everyday, enough for one year.
We are not yiybg already,
so let's take good care of
"Oh! thank you very much,"
I was moved to tears.
A few days later, Marilu arrived at Haneda Airport via
Taipei to join us. We enjoyed abundant fragrance
and taste of oolong tea made in Taiwan, and in the
evening, after celebrating the reunion with
champagne, we
enjoyed sukiyaki party; drinking, chattering,
singing, working off our energies and talking.
Next morning, Robert said to me.
"You got terribly drunken last night."
In a heavy hangover, thinking of my age without
knowing why, I took a piece of vitamines and
enjoyed a cup pf oolong tea together with

A mugful of beer
before meal.
The muscle of my tongue lively moves,
the teeth crush and send the foods to throat.
In the evening like this,
the taste passing through throat is especially nice,
giving a complete satosfactopn to my stomach.
I eat for tomorrow,
forgetting about everything.

Earthly Passions
A venerable priest has once told me that
to release was to be filled.
How are they going to save themselves,
getting burned by hatred,
given to delusional thinking?
I do not have any words
at all.

Vast Space and
A dot shinning brightly faraway,
exceeding the time and space.
An existence of non-existence.
A fabrication.
An existence called non-existence.
A non-existence called existence.
A definite
the origin.

A curious
It is a scary logic that to believe in is to be
On the other hand. if the converse is also true,
you will sink under misfortune if you do not believe
Who can tell whether or no the hell or heaven
Fortune or misfortune is a problem of subjectivity.

November, 1998
Ekaterina, Anastasia abd Elizabeth were gone.
Received the sample of littl gold ores from Guinea.
Purple violets were blooming silently by the
On the 21st, received a commendation from
The National Library of Poetry of the USA
signed by Howard Ely, Managing Editor
advising that my "An "Afterimage" won the of the
month - surprizing!
Sent this message by fax to Billy T. Lee who lived
in New York
and Jeanne Clayton who was an advisor fpr my English
Had a poor appetite recently.
Alcholic drinks took place of rice frequently.
My cat occupied the bed.
I slept upstairs.

Why Are the
Flowers Beautiful?
for a young couple
When I was advised of your engagement,
an imagination of large flowers past arose
in my mind clearly by chance.
At the same time, I wondered simply why.
In mid June, I visited New York, Chicago and Miami
for 2 weeks,
and from time to time during this ravel,
this naive question occurred in me frequently
without any answer.
I have been invited to the party pf my friend in
Chicago, and
I have to leave here again on July 2nd, so
on the day of your wedding party on the 4th
which is the Independence Day of the States,
I will be attending the party at Chicago.
(I am writing this poem at the restless time
before going to travel)
Really why are the flowers so
It may be easy to answer to this question, however,
it seems to me it is almost impossible.
Perhaps, it will be an eternal question in our
I appreciate both of you that your marriage gave me
a substantial question forever.

Diary of May 5th
Putting into the
bath tub
a bundle of sweet flags
a friend of mine gave me
I draw a hot bath.
I soak myself up to the neck.
I don't feel any particular fragtamce, but
it must be effecting a deep part pf my
I get relaxed and feel at ease.
happen to wonder
from where comes
this kind of clean feeling.

A Beautiful
for Yasuo Terashima
the deep limpid sky of the great Hida Mountains,
the warm heart built up since an infant came here
walking on bamboo stilts.
What an innocently beautiful soul!
I am glad.
I feel so happy.
(Re: "Walking on Bamboo
Stilts" )

A Dispensation
for Samuel E. Stone
Even after a severely old night
the sun rises for sure.
The seasons rotate, and
a beautiful spring comes for sure.
we are in the blessing of the nature.

IThere are not so many poems
in the written style of verses
We can sometimes find out
a lot of nice poems
in our heartily conversations.

Golden Arrow
The name of my bicycle is
Golden Arrow with five gears.
It is tough enough
to run lightly and quietly
regardless pf any road -
flat, upward or downward.
One day, runing a flat main road
at pleasant speed with top gear,
suddenly I came to a steep ascent.
I tried to change the gear
from the top to low,
but the mechanism didn't work at all.
Being all of a sweat, I experienced that
the civilization is tiresome.

For Me Myself
Do not play games
with the words.
Throw away
a cheap trick
called rhetoric.
Think of the scorching sun
glaring over the deserts,@
the severe coldness
at south and north pole.
Be like a mountain.
Be likean ocean.
Be like the sky.

A Barbarism
In an morning with heavy hangover,
I happen to recall a friend of mine said
that the aloe was very goof for the health.
As am attempt.
I cut off a part of leaf of the potted aloe living on my veranda,
I get back to the kitchen to put it into the
with a lemon and sugar.
Switch on.
Soon, the special juice comes out.
I try ro drink.
The taste is awful.
I dare to push it into my
Pretty soon, I find my hangover is gone.

No Title
Somewhere invisible.
somewhere in silence.
An unknown darkness.
A crevice on the earth.
The deep.

Even though how the wind is blowing,
I proceed my way towards the future,
seeking for what and where the truth is,
for myself. independently

At Times
Occasionally, I go to a midnight pub, where
I sing and dance with youngsters till daybreak,
and I reflesh myself by absorbing
the young powers into my mind.
Next day, I stay in bed whole day
suffering from a heavy hangover.
At times, it will be necessary for me to be like
as I've been in such a state like this for a long
You will please leave me alone.

I go the road
Of a long distance
In my way.

A Slump
My muse left me alone for a long time.
In my heart,
is@there still remaining anything to express,
after throwing away so-called rhetoric or
appreciation as to the finish.
what I need right now will be
the scorching sun glaring the deserts,
the eagle flying over mountains way up highD
Throw away the cheap trick playsC
even though there seems no way to go with.

The Outsides in an Inside
Apart from the various cosmological theories
geometrically standing on the cubic apace
based on the prevailing positivism,
I think of a black hole and so-called white hole,
supposing that they are two sides of the
same coin.
In other words, the former is an exit to
another unknown grand universe, and
the latter is a big bang itself.
There are many big bangs
here and there, and
Euclid will be entirely upset
as a result.

In My Case
It seems to me that
a subjectivity and an objectify
struggle with each other in my mind
during my thinking and writing poems.
It may possibly be a process
to seek where the universality is.

New Year's Day 2018
In the dim light,
the endless journey

Our Platform
Poetry may involve any thoughts of social sciences
or even religions.
However, it neither serves nor speaks out about them
I believe that it deeply impresses people, because,
in it,
the sensitivity and mentality are
colligated and tightly intertwined with the logic
What we chase is in the sphere of arts, and
standing on a variety of thoughts and views
which are quite different amongst the fellow poets,
and appealing to the audience, we present our
work as an independent object here in this site,
in the hope that we may give you something
worthy to think of as your pabulum.

Feverish and restless days
during Christmas
bear a distinctive atmosphere.
People are still in a fidget, but
the time incessantly proceeds
to the last day of the year.
The New Year's Eve bells
far away
for the days to come.

At Seventy-five
An extremely weak eyesight,
no lens workable, getting worse.
Both of the ankles heavily sprained,
the left shoulder once dislocated, in my youth.
Three hipbones fixed by metal,
the joint of right knee replaced by artificial
A cyborg is still vivid right here
furiously burning up further.

Madonna Forever
(Thunberg's Meadowsweet)
In the darkness of defoliated bushes,
an exorbitant white is standing up
(for Jeanne Clayton,

(3/16, Thu.)
Sunbeams through the glass doors.
Warm. Bright. Calm.
Pure whiteness of a meadowsweet
in a single flower vase
in the the sideboard corner.
An excellent tea bowl,
powdered tea in a caddy,
a tea whisk, a ladle
in front of me.
Nobody to come.

An Accident
The radio reported that a young woman breeder was attacked by a female lion and seriously injured during her work
of cleaning the lions' place. The injured breeder
was carried to a hospital by an ambulance. And it
was confirmed that she was not dead yet when she reached
the hospital.
Next day, the radio further reported briefly that the zoo
would be closed for the time being without
mentioning to anything about the
the injured woman, dead or alive. And the news disappeared
from the radios.
I wonder how they are settling this accident.

I live together with my cat Bobbie
mutually in good harmony
in the residence shut up by concrete
on the 12th floor.
Bobbie must be feeling lonesome,
so as to me, but we are not unhappy,
sharing loneliness one another.
I have nothing particularly to do.
Everyday goes by peacefully..

In the Milky Mist
What on earth am I?
Do I have any ism?
I leave the answer aside
and I stop thinking of it further.
I am
going to nothing.

A Madman with
In open daylight,
shouting something crazy
in dirty words,
a drunken rascal
a barbarian sword
in the center of a crowd.

Twilight Time
In my youth for a decade,
I have been
a top athlete,
far apart from the literature.
Now ,
my body is
wobbling and rattling.
I am still running
at full speed
towards the goal.

No Title
Given a birth,
lived through and
I am living right here,
still more,
in my mind.

An Admonition
Do not flatter.
Do not obey.
Be always with the common people.
Go your way
for yourself,
watching where the universal is.

A Wall Paper
in memory of Hiroshi Hara
When I phoned and asked you for a picture of keyaki
trees, you appeared with it soon. I realized that
you were already in very poor physical condition at
that time of our last meeting.
The picture was applied to my new program of relayed
reading of the Musashino series. The program became
our last work which is still shining in the Japanese
version of our Poetry Plaza.
You are still with us all.

An Artist Spirit
in memory of Shinji Hayashi
"For a journey,
nothing is better than
going by yourself"
He sighed.

These 2 Decades
partings, separations, reunions, surgeries,
unexpected meetings, happenings, new buildings,
changes of the shopping area, earthquakes, tsunami and so forth.
Variously so many.
A bachelor hood
with Bobbie the Wild.
74 years of age now

Big 3
Gaia - Phyllis
Hera - Jeanne.
Atena - Jessica
While, I
am a Zeus.

Statement of Fact
Every night before going to bed,
I think I may lose my eyesight suddenly
when I get up next morning.
The doctors have already given me up as lost many
years ago.
I wonder how long this condition continues, and
I am not quiet sure how long I can maintain this
I will follow the course of nature.

A View
A new tall building in the center of my eyesight.
The outlines melt into the sky.
Everything looks vaguely in milky white.
How many years since last time I stood like this
on the veranda of this residence on the 12th floor?

Towards the Future
I think I have done enough
with the 7 long epics in the past.
I It has been really an enjoyable time
for me to write any of the long epics,
studying the facts of the world history,
inflating my images and
integrating my past knowledge.
In the midst of the milky mist,
I am looking for the next theme.

73 Years Old
Getting up in every early morning,
I drink a cup of coffee and take
some sort of supplements and medicines, then
I enjoy smoking some cigarettes,
thinking of a schedule for the day.
It takes a bit long time for me
to decide anything recently, but
analyzing the situation of the day,
I decide the most important thing
that I have to do on the day.
After finishing the schedule, in the afternoon,
I enjoy a plenty of cheap alcohol made of rice,
till late at night alone.
eating the foods cooked by my helper for supper,
finally to find myself in my bed next early morning.
A matter a day.
A meal a day.
The time is simply passing by.
I'm still living.
