Oh! my beloved Shaman's son
With thy own will to make thy own birth
With the will to wish to live
Thou shalt not have any destiny in thy life
Making the mountains, rivers, deserts and plains as thy mother
Making the stars, moon and sun as thy father
Thou shalt live following the order
That comes out of thy own will"
Temjin heard the voice
In the water of his mother's womb
For seven days and seven nights
The slanting rain, sleet, hail, hailstone, snow and
The ear-splitting eye-shooting explosions of thunder
Shook the earth and tore the atmosphere
The fierce storm covered the whole Mongolian land
At the dawn of eighth day
The oppressively piled clouds vanished
The atrocious storm was over
The sun rose
In the clear air
The elders from each village unanimously talked
In that unprecedented violent storm
In the hauling of winds and thunders
In the roars of rain, sleet, hail, hailstone and snow
In the rustling of grasses and trees
Even in the movements of clouds, the flashes of lightning or the air
Was heard and felt the strange name of
One of the elders shouted
Even immediately after the fiercest storm that we have ever
This vivid brightness and uprightness of the trees and grasses
In the great plain
And also, the rich moisture of this bear land
There can not be found even mud!
This must be a good omen
In name of Temjin
A prophetic significance"
That night
The sky was infinitely deep
The air was transparent like crystal glass
Filled by the showering lights of the stars and the moon
In the deep room of a big Pao of Esgai
A male baby gave his first resonant cry of vigor
In his infant days
In the night his father was assassinated by poison
A shudder and strange savage rage
Pierced Temjin from head to toe
"Thou shalt live
Following the order
That comes out of thy own heart"
The words that he once heard
In the water of his mother's womb
From nowhere
Gently and affectionately
Shrouded Temjin
Temjin was restored to himself
Being led by the strange words
Temjin reinstated peace in the land of Mongolia
Establishing a great empire
Covering the lands from Jin, Xi-Xia, Samarukand, Persia, Central
Asia to Russia
In 1227
Temjin Jinghis Khan at 65 years of age
At Mt. Liu-Pan on an expedition
Resigned himself to his fate
It was really a starry night
The moon was full and bright
Just like the night of his birth
Coming out of his encampment
Sitting in his commanders chair
Surrounded by able and brutal aides
Temjin began to speak calmly
"Here do I announce you
I am returning to my true nature
There shalt be no death in me
Each of thou shalt return to the nature
I pray, I want
Each of thou to return to thy own nature"
A number of dignified brave officers
Solemnly, quietly, without a tear
Completely understood and accepted Temijin's
Day breaks
When the sun is just passing the right middle
Of the sky where it is moving
Temjin Jinghis Khan
Calmly breathed his last
His remains
Were buried deep
Thousands of feet below the mother earth
Without a tombstone
Up above there
The stars, the moon and the sun
Continue moving gravely