20 thousand years ago, in the Wisconsin glacial period of
the diluvial epoch, a number of tribes living in Eurasia
shifted in waves to the north east , and moved to the
American Continents, through the Bering Land-bridge.
In the new lands, they further continued moving down to the
south and scattered all over the continents in small groups
after thousands of years. One of the tribes called the mayas
settled down in the Mesoamerican territory.
In the deep night of the 7th day of Flowers, when the
ecliptic and moon’s path took the exactly same orbit under
the canopy, was born Mamaluna, who was the 9th daughter of
the family. Her father was Yashukuk, an astrological priest.
Her mother was Margarita.
On this particular day, according to their astronomy, the
moon was newly born again, and the next day, the sun was to
be reborn too. Otherwise, the world was to collapse.
People gathered on the hill with fear and hope, waiting for
the daybreak. "Lo!" shouted Yashukuk, pointing his finger to
the scarlet morning star. Soon the gold arrows began to fill
the canopy of the sky.
The drama of the twilight and dawn in midday continued. The
sun concealed itself into the black spot and was soon reborn.
People kneeled showered by the bright new sunbeams.
Mamaluna grew up with a macaw from her cradle days. The bird
was named Paco. They were always together. Their relation
was like an air one another. They communicated in an
inaudible sphere. They have jointly owned their hearts and
For the mayas, father of all things in nature was the sun,
while mother was the land, and mother's womb was the
underground. Caves were regarded as sanctuaries. Macaw was a
symbol of the sun which fought against the darkness and
Margarita taught reading and writing to Mamaluna, who soon
read through the massive amount of records carved on the
stone monuments in the platform of the palace. Particularly,
she was captivated by the astronomical records which had
been accumulated for thousands of years.
Yashukuk frequently took her with him to the astronomical
observatory and taught her the basic astronomy. When grown
up, she was versed in it almost at the same level of his.
One night when the sky was brightly glittering with an
unusual number of shooting stars coming from a vicinity of
the Great Bear, Mamaluna felt something invisible like
glowing gold from afar the southern limit of the canopy.
Wondering what it was, she murmured something in her mind.
One day, she told Yashukuk that there were two spots in the
canopy of heaven; one was a silvery white and the other was
of blackness. Furthermore she added that the space was not
simply cubic but consists of geometrically many dimensions . He simply
laughed at and disregarded what she had said to him.
Napacusco, a young man of the aimalas living in the area of
Lago Titicaca, was under the heavens jeweled with stars. The
sky was flooded by a number of shooting stars which came
from a vicinity of the Southern Cross. From afar the
northern edge of the canopy, he felt that he heard a voice
of platinum whiteness calling him.
He left Titicaca where he had been born and descended the
Andes towards the north. He came down to a forest of the
flat area, where he found a macaw that followed him
maintaining a [proper distance, flying ahead of him or
getting backwards.
He named it Rara.
He entered the jungle. He went forward, cutting his way by a
hatchet. Leading him to the north, Rara's movements became
much more busy than before.
Flying ahead of him, Rara gave a piercing scream. A jaguar
was watching him for a chance. Numerous macaws flied in the
mid air between Napacusco and the jaguar, threatening it
with awfully loud screeches. A huge macau glided silently
from the back behind and stabbed the vital part between
hipbones of the jaguar with a sharp beak. The jaguar run
away dragging its hind legs.
After cutting through the jungle, he saw a rich field.
Settling on his shoulder, Rara pressed its cheek to his and
told him in an inaudible voice that they are reaching the
land of platinum whiteness. He nodded.
to (4) JUMP UP
A cannibal tribe called the meadias was secretly enveloping
the city of Copan, which was covered by the gloomy air.
Grosso raised his right hand to command an attack to his
men. That instant the invisible golden arrows from the sun
pierced their eyes, ears and throats. They fell down and
became worms. The birds came and pecked at hem. The city was
again covered by the bright platinum light. People of the
city felt something strange, but nobody except Paco and Rara
realized what had happened actually.
Napacusco entered the city zone with Rara on his shoulder.
The pedestrians saw a soft golden aura shrouding them. A man
said that the god's messengers came. The rumor spread. Rara
said to Napacusco that the valley which was seen over there
was the place where the platinum whiteness originated. They
entered the forest in the valley.
Napacusco found a lady who was bathing in a pond surrounded
by bushes. She was shrouded by an aura of platinum
whiteness. She was Mamaluna. He kneeled in front of the
absolutely beautiful, while Paco and Rara were crossing
their cheeks one another. Napacusco dedicated Mamaluna a
gold necklace that he brought from Titicaca where the sun
had been born. Mamaluna
accepted Napacusco's courtship. Paco cut off a part of the
pendant that Mamaluna was wearing. It was a bone of her
great ancestor. Rara planted it in Napacusco's breast
People gathered at the platform of the palace. When Mamaluna
and Napacusco appeared in front of them, they saw a
brilliance mixed with platinum whiteness and gold that
shrouded the pair. The brilliance spread and covered the
whole place. In a wondrous mist of light, chewing cocas and
drinking chicha, people were intoxicated by the beautiful of
the pair.
At a twinkling starlit night, Mamaluna took Napacusco with
her to her secret cave which was above the pond where they
met for the first time. The cave was filled by the mist of
soft solemn light. There was a spring in the center; The
ceiling was the canopy pf heaven. Lying down themselves side
by side with face up beside the spring, they watched the
In the part of the sky where she saw the Grate Bear, while
he saw the Southern Cross in the same place. She soon
understood that he was under the sky of Titicaca. Both of
them realized that the canopy was dual like two sides of the
same coin and that the distance means nothing to them.
That night, Yashukuk was observing the movement of
the stars. In the Milky Way he found two undiscovered stars
which were close together; one was shining in gold, and the
other in platinum whiteness. In the light of candlestick, he
recorded the fact on the stone monument He remembered what
Mamaluna had once had said to him about her
astronomical view which had sounded curious to him.
Getting back to his residence at midnight, he told Margarita
about what happened that night, She smiled but said nothing.
She had known every thing already. They went to bed and fell
in deep sleeping.
When the day broke, all people living in the territory of
the city of Copan disappeared suddenly. Even now nobody knows what happened and where they
have gone.
