Hideo Yokokawa   |   Jeanne Shannon   |   Aftab Seth
Samuel E. Stone   |   Takako Takasuka   |   
Jessica Helen Lopez  |  Wei Gang
Yumiko Kawakami   |   Shinzan Otoguro
   |   Yasuo Terashima   ~|   BACK TO TOP



Yumiko Kawakami

She is Geatest Master of Ikuta Koto.  She graduated Tokyo University of the Arts in 1964 and finished NHKJapanese Music Player Course in 1965. Also, she won the prize of 1967 Ethnic Music Competition at Sofia, Bulgaria. She played koto at many places in Bulgaria, Romania and Soviet Union. She taught music at Yokohama National University from 1991 until 2002. She played koto in many places in Italy, France, Germany, England and South Korea in 1998. Many records, CD’s, DVD’s have been published. She lives in Tokyo.






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