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Things of Absurdity
by Hideo Yokokawa

II remember I once heard of a view observing
The annual number of the dead from smoking is far less than
That of the victims killed by uncontrollable guns in the States.
A young man charged with sex crime pleaded that
His crime came from flooded porno uncontrolled at all, so
The evil was an overflow of nosebleeding porno, I hear.
On the other hands, in a sightseeing city,
A man who tried to buy a prostitution and arrested
by decoy investigation
On the contrary, trapped policemen into sex criminals
with his decoys,
They say.
Once Beatles created a hit music with the words
"love your enemy"
In which a guy was killed by his rival suitor because of it.
John Lenon was also killed by gun because of his
appealing against guns.
Notoriously it is widely spoken that
Special detectives became drug addictions
Because of legitimate decoy investigations.
It is quite incomprehensive, but
This kind of absurdities are flooded
All over the world.

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